Keep in touch
Before you leave, we strongly recommend that you review the following information and keep us posted about your travel plans and contact information by completing the online International Travel Registration form. By providing us with your contact information, we’ll be able to get in touch with you quickly in case of an emergency.

Helpful resources
No matter where you’re traveling, you should have a full understanding of the current world situation, so you can remain aware, informed, and prepared.
As you begin to plan your overseas study and/or research, it’s important to know of any health, safety, and security concerns in the region you’ll be visiting. To assist you in this process, use the resources below.
Use this free service to enroll your trip with the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate.
The SOS International Assistance Program is available free for Rutgers faculty, staff, and graduate students conducting research overseas.
Review this information and keep it handy as you travel so you’ll be as safe as possible.
U.S. Department of State Travel Abroad
What the Department of State Can and Can’t Do in a Crisis
U.S. Department of State Contact Information
Use this information to plan and prepare for any health risks you might encounter on your trip.
U.S. Centers for Disease and Control Prevention
U.S. Centers for Disease and Control Prevention SARS Advisory
U.S. Centers for Disease and Control Prevention Travelers Health Information
Rutgers University Health Services
World Health Organization Disease Outbreak News