Problem Resolution


Sometimes graduate students and faculty need another avenue for dealing with problems that cannot be resolved within their graduate programs or other Rutgers office. If you have been unable to solve a problem or if you do not feel comfortable addressing a concern within your graduate program, you may wish to contact Dr. Barbara Bender, Senior Associate Dean of the School of Graduate Studies, who is available to confidentially assist students and faculty in addressing a wide variety of concerns. Dean Bender will help students and faculty identify options, consider avenues to pursue, and seek alternate resolutions to disputes.


Biomedical Health Sciences: New Brunswick | Piscataway and Newark Health Science Campus

For further details on Problem Resolution at Biomedical Health Sciences: New Brunswick | Piscataway and Newark Health Science Campus

Contact Us for Help

Discuss your Confidential Concern

Teresa Delcorso-Ellmann

  • Senior Associate Dean
