Conference and Research Travel Program

When you’re presenting your research at conferences across the country, we’ll make it possible for you to get there. We offer conference travel funding to support SGS graduate students who are presenting their research at national and international conferences. There are currently different protocols in place for applying for such funding depending on your graduate program.

New Brunswick/Piscataway Biomedical Sciences doctoral program

PhD or MS student who work for an RBHS PI and are in the following graduate programs are eligible for these RBHS travel awards: Biochemistry, Biomedical Engineering, Cell & Developmental Biology, Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology, Exposure Science, Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, Neuroscience, and Physiology and Integrative Biology. For students in the Toxicology program, PhD students who work for faculty that are resident members of EOHSI or in RWJMS labs are eligible. Please visit the program’s Student Academic Forms website to download a Student Travel Award Approval Form, or contact Tina Marottoli if you have questions about eligibility requirements and application procedures.

Visit the site

Contact Tina Marottoli

Newark Biomedical Sciences doctoral programs

If you’re enrolled in one of these programs, please visit the program’s SGS Forms website to download travel approval forms, or contact Beatrice Suffrant if you have questions about eligibility requirements and application procedures.

Visit the site

Contact Beatrice Suffrant

All other SGS doctoral programs

The purpose of the Conference and Research Award Program is to help defray costs associated with off-campus research activities and presenting at academic, scholarly, and scientific conferences. Priority will be to support students who do not have access to other resources to support these activities and who are making good progress in the degree program.

To support student success, we hosted an information webinar on September 19, 2024. The purpose of the webinar was to review how to apply for SGS Research and Conference Travel awards. The session was recorded and can be viewed on Box.

Support is provided in the form of a $1000 stipend award that will be paid to the student through Student Accounting. The application portal is now open and accepting applications until December 15, 2024. Students may apply for a $1000 stipend to support research or conference travel between July 1, 2024 and June 30, 2025. Funding is available to support up to 200 students. Awards will be distributed equitably across our graduate programs.

Access the application portal
