Professional Development
The School of Graduate Studies provides significant resources, programs, and opportunities for graduate professional development. Please visit the professional development resources available through SGS. In addition, we sponsor opportunities of particular interest to students committed to promoting a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive campus community.
NEW: Job Opportunities for Graduate Students to Promote DEI
Serve as a paid member of our team to promote DEI in our graduate community. Hours are flexible and can mesh with your schedule. For info, click here! For priority consideration, apply by October 10.
Institute on Teaching and Mentoring
We sponsor graduate students to participate in the Compact for Faculty Diversity’s Institute on Teaching and Mentoring. The Institute is the largest gathering of graduate students and postdocs of color in the U.S. During an intense four days, participants from all disciplines benefit from a wealth of professional development and networking opportunities and, moreover, gain a strong sense of encouragement and community.
Graduate students who are interested in participating in The Institute in 2023 and beyond should contact us.

National Research Mentoring Network-CIC Academic Network (NRMN-CAN)
NRMN-CAN is a collaboration of the Big Ten Academic Alliance. Using an interactive case study-based curriculum, the program offers mentorship training, professional development, and grantsmanship coaching to graduate students, postdocs, and faculty in STEM and the social/behavioral sciences. Graduate students and postdocs take advantage of “Mentoring Up” workshops to learn to navigate more successfully their relationships with their mentors. They also benefit from workshops designed to enable them to be more effective mentors for undergraduate research students. Workshop participants cite enhanced research productivity and an improved student experience. In 2020, we were excited to introduce the opportunity to earn digital badges for successful workshop completion.
A recent attendee commented: “I had an incredibly positive experience—probably the best I've had since I arrived at Rutgers."
Annual Mentoring, Diversity, and Inclusion Forum
SGS typically sponsors a half-day workshop for graduate students and postdocs committed to exploring and navigating the complex issues of diversity, equity, access, and inclusion in higher education. To learn more about this series and conference leadership opportunities for students
Mentoring Undergraduates
Our annual workshop, "Effective Mentoring of Undergraduates" uses NRMN techniques and case studies to provide PhD students and Postdoctoral Fellows with the tools and skills to better mentor undergraduate students in a research setting. Attendees also reflect upon approaches they would use to mentor trainees and employees when they are running a research group or laboratory in the future. For those who wish to continue to hone their mentoring skills, follow up activities provide ongoing training.
Sit in on a recent virtual workshop.
Get pointers on welcoming new undergraduate students to your research group.
Mentoring Up
Graduate students and postdocs use case studies and small group discussions to explore the dynamics of the mentor-mentee relationship and reflect on their own relationships with their advisors. Using evidence-based NRMN resources, they build skills to become more proactive and effective mentees.
Hear what attendees have to say about Mentoring Up.
Mentoring for Social Justice and Community-Building
The goal of the Mentoring for Social Justice and Community-Building Project – sponsored by the School of Graduate Studies and Douglass Residential College – is to foster mutually beneficial relationships between current graduate students and undergraduates committed to aligning their scholarship, advocacy, and collaborations with social justice principles. Through training graduate students in justice-oriented approaches to mentorship and partnering a cohort of graduate student mentors with Douglass undergraduate mentees, the project aims to generate sustainable near-peer mentoring relationships shaped by common interests, experiences, or aspirations.
The selected cohort of graduate student mentors will be compensated for their time and be eligible to receive a microbadge recognizing their outstanding contributions to mentoring for social justice.
Learn more about the Mentoring for Social Justice and Community-Building Project.
Rutgers Recruitment Ambassadors
Graduate/Postdoctoral Recruitment Ambassador and Outreach Program
Serve as a role model by helping to recruit the next class of doctoral scholars. It's personally rewarding and fun, and you can make a difference. Represent us at the Rutgers exhibits at national research conferences and at info sessions at undergraduate feeder schools or your own graduate alma mater. We will train you to be an effective Ambassador. Compensation and travel funding is provided. Contact Dean Evelyn Erenrich for more info.
Graduate Student Organizations and Campus Resources
Graduate Student Association
The official graduate student government at Rutgers-New Brunswick. Visit the GSA website to find a list of Graduate Student Organizations (GSOs) and to find resources provided by GSA.
Rutgers SACNAS Chapter
Rutgers has an active, vibrant chapter of the national SACNAS (Society to Advance Chicanos and Native Americans in Science) organization. Our chapter is proud to have one of the highest levels of gradate student involvement in the U.S. The group is inclusive and is dedicated to fostering success of scientists from all backgrounds who are committed to promoting a diverse community. Monthly events include career workshops, speakers, meet-the-faculty sessions, training on research communication, employer networking, and local outreach opportunities to name a few. Members also enjoy social events, sometimes joint with other regional chapters.
Members also are strong candidates for funding to attend the annual National Diversity in STEM conference, where they can present their research, attend scientific talks and professional development workshops, and serve as Recruitment Ambassadors at the Rutgers booth.
Affinity Groups for Graduate Students
Affinity groups are space for graduate students of shared backgrounds to gather and share their experiences and concerns as they navigate graduate school. These groups provide forums to discuss challenging issues, career development support, and opportunities to join forces with like-minded individuals for positive change in the Rutgers community and beyond.
Learn more about identity-based affinity groups for graduate students at Rutgers
Disability Services
The Office of Disability Services “provides reasonable academic accommodations for students with disabilities.” They provide “necessary tools, resources and support for individuals with disabilities to become responsible decision-makers and self-advocates in charge of their own future.” Please visit their site to register and access accommodations.
Counseling Services
Rutgers counseling services are provided by Counseling, Alcohol and Other Drug Assistance Program & Psychiatric Services (CAPS). Besides standard counseling and therapy options, CAPS also provides weekly workshops and sessions dedicated to graduate-related issues.
Food Pantry
The Rutgers Student Food Pantry serves exclusively to Rutgers undergraduates and graduates. They are located at 39 Union St, New Brunswick. Visit their website to make an appointment.