
Determining how to pay for your graduate education is as important as deciding what to study. The opportunities available to you will depend on your degree and program of study.  Funding decisions are made largely by each graduate program. Some programs fund all their graduate students. Others fund only a few or provide partial funding support. If you have a question about funding, contact your individual graduate program.

The School of Graduate Studies offers competitive fellowships and awards, as well as a comprehensive database of external grants and fellowships that can provide critical resources to ensure your success. We also have a financial literacy program to help you responsibly manage your finances and debt.  

Funding packages offered to doctoral students by graduate programs can include multiple years of support through teaching or research assistantships, traineeships or fellowships.  

Throughout their course of study, students are encouraged to apply for externally funded fellowships and grants and can receive mentoring and support on the application process by the GradFund Advising Team.  

The School of Graduate Studies offers an award portfolio with two types of fellowships, grants and awards.   The first type requires that the student be nominated by their graduate program and other, the student may apply directly, and the multi-stage review will include endorsement by the graduate program. 


Explore funding options at Rutgers, School of Graduate Studies

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Achievement & Merit Awards
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Conference Travel
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SGS Fellowships & Grants
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Tuition and Cost of Attendance
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Financial Aid Office
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Presidential Fellowships
Presidential Fellowships