
MBS Orientation Schedules

About Our Orientations

In addition to orientation for all graduate students at Rutgers University, our Biomedical and Health Sciences students have the opportunity to attend program-specific orientations. Join us for informative orientation events to learn more about your program details, health insurance options, safety protocols, academic integrity, and more.

Visit Newly Admitted Students for More Orientation Events

Event Date of Event  Time Location

Virtual New Student Orientation
Rutgers SGS Biomedical Sciences
Ph.D. and Master's Program Students

Aug 15

On Your Own

Online Orientation
Grad School events will be available on Canvas beginning August 15

Wednesday Morning Session:
General Biomedical Science Orientation:

  • Deans Jim Millionig and Janet Alder
  • Graduate Student Organizations
  • Ice Breakers
  • Libraries
  • Academic and Scientific Integrity
  • Wellness Services


10 AM – 12 PM

Conducted Synchronously via Zoom Meeting

(Passcode: Janet)

Wednesday Afternoon Session:
Program Specific Orientations


1:45 PM – 3:30 PM

Conducted synchronously via Zoom Meeting

Thursday Session:
Laboratory Safety Training for Ph.D. and M.S. Students


On Your Own

Link to Online Laboratory Safety Training

Friday Session:
Radiation Safety Training for new Ph.D. and M.S. Students


9 AM – 12 PM

Via Webex (invite will be sent online to students from
Debbie Hrabinski – Health & Safety Specialist, REHS)