Event Description

As you enter the second semester, it is again time for personal reflection 

What were your expectations as you entered graduate school?  Have these expectations been met? If not, why not?  

Are you satisfied with your life/work balance? If not, what are you planning on changing?  

Did you find (your perfect) a good mentor/lab match?  If so, what attracts you to that mentor/lab? If not, what are you looking for that you did not find so far?  

What are your main goals for the second semester and how do your goals fit with your program's requirements? What are your plans and approach to achieving your goals? 

We looks forward to hearing your thoughts!

Event Description

IMSD welcomes Rutgers IMSD alumni: Tiffany King, PhD and Alejandra Laureano, PhD. Tiffany is a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Pennsylvania, School of Medicine. Alejandra is a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard Medical School. Tiffany and Alejandra will talk about their current research and take your questions. 

Event Description

Alvin Crespo, a 5th-year IMSD student in the Ecology and Evolution graduate program, will present his ongoing work on the topic "An exploration of the molecular evolution of Cressdnaviricota: A phylum of viruses with single-stranded circular DNA genomes".  Click to view the details.

Event Description

Dr. Langer will offer "best practice" guidelines for how to prepare and deliver an oral presentation of your research.

Event Description

The IMSD program is hosting a social event for all IMSD trainees, IMSD associates, and guest PhD students from under-represented or diverse backgrounds across the Rutgers-NB campuses. The social will take place on the patio of the Tower building, 675 Hoes Lane, Piscataway.

Event Description

The meeting will be focused on “Goals for Year 2 and Your Mentor Relationship”. 

Event Description

The meeting will be focused on “Finding a Research Rotation Lab- Looking for a Perfect Match”