RISE Information and Alumni Panel Session at Middlesex College

Event Description

We are happy that we had the chance to host an information panel for the Middlesex college STEM club. This was an important step to help bridge the gap between 2 year colleges and graduate level research. We would like to give a special thank you to the 3 RISE program alumni Navar Mercer White, Nyla Howell, and Alejandra Medina Vazquez for participating in this event. Mercer and Nyla are both Rutgers Ph.D. students and SUPER-Grad fellows studying Chemistry and Geography respectively. Alejandra is rapidly approaching the end of her undergraduate degree and contemplating pursuing industry employment or a Ph.D. in engineering. You can find images of our panelists as well as images from the event bellow. 

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Navar Mercer White


Nyla Howell


Alejandra Medina Vazquez

Middlesex College will be welcoming RISE alumni to speak about the RISE program and how it has helped shape their trajectory!

The event will be help on Thursday the 21st at 2:15 in room 102 of the College Center with the university address being 2600 Woodbridge Ave, Edison, NJ 08837. 

Bellow is a wonderful flyer created by the president of the Middlesex Stem Club Kshema Karanam who has invited RISE to the campus.

Zoom Details are included on the flyer bellow! 

Event Flyer