How to Prepare for a Job Fair

  • April 12, 2016

by: Katelyn Marshall

In preparation for the iJOBS Annual Career Fair, Matt Alcalde (Director of Life Sciences Talent Network at BioNJ) presented a workshop on how to prepare for job fairs. If you’re planning on attending the career fair on Thursday, read up! Matt provided a wealth of helpful tips. If you want to go but haven’t registered yet, click here.

Before you go:

Presentation1Do your homework. Go to the event website to see what companies will be there and prioritize who you want to see. Review jobs that employers have listed to get a feel for what they’re looking for and what language they use.

Work on your resume and elevator pitch. Pick the top companies you want to see and tailor your resume to the job descriptions you found on their websites. Your elevator pitch should be about 30 seconds long and should sum up your passions and identity. You also want to tailor this to the company you’re speaking with. Make it positive! A good elevator pitch helps strike up meaningful conversation.

What to bring:

Presentation2Bring 20-30 resumes and a stack of business cards. A portfolio with pen and paper is also helpful to take notes to jog your memory after the event. When choosing an outfit, dress for an interview. Matt also suggests wearing something unique that will help representatives remember you (think a distinctive tie or pin).

While you’re there:

Presentation3You’ll be waiting in lines to speak with recruiters. Keep in mind that the people you’re in line with are often good resources to build your network. Have trouble starting up conversations? Here are some good icebreakers: How did you get involved in Company X? What advice can you offer someone just starting out in X? Are there professional organizations or networking groups you recommend? Of course, this particular career fair is at Rutgers, so it’s likely you’ll be in line with other graduate students, so you can tailor icebreakers to them. Think of what you’d like to be asked- how did you get interested in career track X? What have you found useful as you’ve looked for jobs?

Communicate what you’re looking for, but be open to new ideas. Be confident and happy. And as always, have a nice, firm handshake. You want to leave recruiters with a good impression!

After the event:

Thought you were done when the event was over? Think again. You’ll want to follow up with three people to meet for coffee to discuss job opportunities more in-depth. You should send professional thank you notes to company representatives you met. Express interest in their company or a specific position, and remind them of what you can do for that company.

As always, connect on LinkedIn. Remember, while the purpose of attending a career fair is to get a job, it’s also a way to learn of new opportunities and network.

You're all set! Time to get out there and dazzle those recruiters!

Useful links:

BioNJ's website
Event information
Registration through iJOBS

Other Trade Organization Websites:

Jobs 4 Jersey
Fierce Biotech
Bio Space

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