Meet the Blogger – Natalie Losada

  • March 31, 2021
iJOBS Blog

Over the pandemic I have realized something – I’m a people person.  Since middle school I knew that I excelled in group settings, but the reason why wasn’t clear until now.  Group settings allow dynamic thinking at a faster rate than when alone. More than that, I find group settings fun, exhilarating, and uplifting.  After lockdowns and quarantines, most people have learned to appreciate at least some level of regular social interactions.  I had never assumed being alone was superior; however, I had never realized the immense benefit interacting with people can provide.  Without others, we’re left to swim around, get lost, or drown in our own thoughts.  Which is why writing about oneself usually starts like this:

“I’m gonna be a people person in a room of people people…”

– Let the Games Begin by AJR

Sitting down staring at a blank Microsoft Word document, I struggle to begin this supposedly easy article.  Its purpose is to get the iJOBS readers to know me better, but this article isn’t an elevator pitch that will succinctly mention a few goals I have in life.  This is about who I am. Which brings me back to the fact I am staring at a now slightly populated Microsoft Word document wondering…who am I?

I am dynamic; people are dynamic.  The static introductions we give at parties can be boring.  The perfect pictures we paint at interviews can be unrealistic.  We learn the most about a person through experiences and stories, but no single story could tell you about me in totality.  I love memorizing song lyrics and dancing while food shopping and debating simple things like whether pencils are better than pens.  Most of all, I love to analyze life and think about how amazing humanity is on a sociological and biological level.  Arguing about sports teams is great, but have you ever wondered why we put so much time and emotion into following sports?  Discussions about why humans do what they do can lead you to places you never dreamed of, which is why I love group settings and working with people.

During the multitude of wonderfully informative iJOBS career panels I have attended, I’ve seen which jobs are a good fit for a “people person” like myself.  Careers in Science Communication have interested me greatly because they involve as much writing as working with a team.  Medical writers need to consult physicians, chemists, clinicians, and more when following the progress of a drug’s clinical trials.  Consultants need to interact with individuals or groups daily and are constantly learning, which is something I enjoy as a scientist.  Project management also interests me because of the team environment and the problem solving and planning that the career entails.  Some might be turned off by the changing lifestyles of careers such as these, but I know anything less would be boring to me.  Having a dynamic job in a dynamic field like science is something I’ll enjoy for the rest of my life.

I graduated with a degree in chemistry because I couldn’t let go of the fascinating world of biology nor the fun, logical, math-filled world of physics.  Chemistry not only combines physics and biology, but truly explains how life exists, and that never ceases to amaze to me.  Now, I am a third-year biophysical chemistry PhD student who is even more thankful that I found my academic passion early.  In my lab, I study the structure and function of HIV-1 enzymatic proteins that make the virus seem truly alive.  Even though it was clear to me that I loved to apply my chemistry knowledge in biological systems, I never thought I’d love studying viruses so much.  And understanding viruses in such detail, particularly in this pandemic, makes me less fearful because I understand what I’m up against.

I studied art from middle school through college and completed a minor in visual art during my undergrad years.  So, it probably goes without saying that one of my favorite parts of writing and presenting my scientific work is making the figures!  Art can be a way to express a concept or a feeling that words just can’t capture.  Visuals in a journal article, when designed properly, can say “what,” “why,” and “how” while still looking aesthetically pleasing.  And writing, like art should be, is therapeutic to me. Sometimes ideas or feelings don’t make sense until they’re written down, and writing those ideas in a cohesive and memorable article is truly an art.  The iJOBS blog has given me a space to indulge in my craft, meet new friends, and discover new careers and scientists. I couldn’t ask for a better environment for a dynamic human like myself.

In addition to all of that, I am a gymnast, gymnastics instructor, aspiring yoga teacher, and travel-lover.  And after finding the iJOBS blog a year ago, I am a writer. 

My name is Natalie Losada and I am dynamic.


This article was edited by Senior Editor, Helena Mello, and Senior Editor, Brianna Alexander.

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