Hi there! My name is Paulina Krzyszczyk and I am a 5th year PhD student in Biomedical Engineering. My project is based on a collaboration between my advisors at Rutgers, Dr. François Berthiaume and Dr. Martin Yarmush, as well as Dr. Andre Palmer from Ohio State University. Dr. Palmer's lab develops a tunable hemoglobin-based oxygen carrier mainly for blood transfusions, which I use in the Berthiaume/Yarmush labs to study its effects on macrophages in order to develop a chronic wound healing therapy. My first experience in research came as I was a rising junior at Lehigh University. I was accepted into Biosystems Dynamics Summer Institute--a 10-week research program for undergraduates sponsored by Howard Hughes Medical Institute. There, I worked with Dr. Matthias Falk in biology and Dr. Himanshu Jain in materials science on a porous, biodegradable sol-gel scaffold for bone tissue engineering. I spent two years in that lab developing my research skills, until I graduated and began at Rutgers in 2012. In my current lab, I enjoy being immersed in a diverse environment. It amazes me how each member of my lab has come from such different backgrounds, but we can come together and be helpful and productive in our scientific endeavors. I am also a member of the new chapter of Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) at Rutgers. I also enjoy mentoring budding scientists and have been involved in community outreach activities with middle and high school students. In lab, I enjoy mentoring incoming undergraduate and graduate students. In the future, I plan to continue in a research and development position at a biotechnology company. I regularly attend iJOBs events and I hope that the program will help me define a work culture in which I will thrive, whether it be in large pharma or a smaller start-up. I also value activities outside of the lab to help keep me sane. I am an animal friend and lover--especially dogs. In line with this interest, I am a member of Rutgers University Seeing Eye Puppy Raiser Club (RUSEPRC). I also enjoy writing poetry, biking and running races. I look forward to being an iJOBS blogger, through which I plan to write on my own graduate school experience to help others, and on future career options as I explore positions that will be available to me when I obtain my PhD degree.
iJOBS Blog