Call for Nominations: SGS Community Engagement Award

  • January 24, 2024

2024 Community Engagement Award

School of Graduate Studies

Call for Nominations

Submit nominations and self-nominations by March 1


The School of Graduate Studies (SGS) is pleased to invite nominations for SGS's inaugural Community Engagement Award. This award and accompanying $200 scholarship will go to one graduate student in the School of Graduate Studies who has demonstrated ethical, collaborative community engagement through their research, teaching, and/or advocacy to promote equity and belonging.

The awardee will be honored at the Collaborative Center for Community Engagement’s annual awards ceremony on April 11, 2024.

Nomination Process

SGS welcomes faculty, staff, graduate student peers, and postdoctoral fellows/associates to nominate SGS graduate students for this award. Self-nominations are also encouraged. To be eligible for consideration, the nominee must be currently enrolled in the School of Graduate Studies.

To nominate yourself or an SGS student for this award, please submit the nomination form no later than Friday, March 1. The form requests the following:

  • Contact and affiliation information for the nominee and the nominator (if applicable)
  • The nominee’s CV
  • A one-page (maximum) nomination letter that addresses the following: (1) The nominee’s approach to/philosophy of community engagement, and (2) An example of how the nominee has engaged communities through their research, teaching, and/or advocacy to advance equity and belonging.

Review and Selection Process

Nominations will be reviewed by a committee of three SGS staff members, and the selected awardee will be notified by March 15.


Please contact Dr. Briana Bivens at with any questions.

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