New Brunswick | Piscataway

East Asian Languages and Cultures

Program Description

Students may choose from a wide and coherent curriculum including the following humanities disciplines in East Asian studies: literature, visual culture, history, religion, language and linguistics. This master’s degree program draws on the strengths of a faculty with nearly twenty-five members working on various aspects of East Asian studies who have made major scholarly contributions to the field.


African Studies

Program Description

The 15-credit graduate certificate program in African Studies by the Center for African Studies is designed for graduate students who would like to pursue a concentration in African studies as part of their regular graduate studies. Those who fulfill the requirements may be awarded a certificate in African studies upon completion of their degree. Some requirements for the certificate may be used to satisfy the student's own graduate degree requirements.

Religious Studies

Program Description

Working closely with a world-class faculty who specialize in Hinduism, Islamic Studies, Judaic and Christian Studies, Buddhist Studies, Chinese religion, and Religions in America, students in the M.A. program undertake advanced study and research in those areas. In addition, students will develop a critical understanding of the primary interpretive models, theories, and methodologies in the academic study of religion.


Program Description

Our graduate program offers well-prepared students rigorous training by some of the best philosophers in the world.  After starting with a proseminar only for first years, students continue taking multiple small seminars, as well as participating in reading groups and receiving one-on-one mentoring.  


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Program Description


Program Description

Our internationally-renowned Linguistics department stands at the center of work in Phonology (specifically, Optimality Theory), Syntax (specifically, Generative Grammar and the Minimalist Program), and Semantics and Pragmatics (specifically, formal theory and the interfaces). Our department also has a strong Experimental core investigating Language Acquisition, Syntax, Semantics, Pragmatics, and Phonetics/Phonology. Many students and faculty are also actively engaged in fieldwork.



Program Description

Our graduate programs are geared toward students with strong background in Spanish and with interest in Spanish acquisition, literature, culture, or teaching. Most of our students obtain certificates in addition to the Ph.D. (e.g., cinema studies, cognitive science, language teaching). Half of our graduate students are placed in tenure-track academic positions and the other half in teaching and industry positions.



Program Description

The PhD Program prepares highly accomplished future scholars in the field of Italian Studies for academic as well as alternative careers. A strong pedagogical approach in language and culture teaching offers MA and MAT students job opportunities at the K-12 level.



Program Description

The department is particularly noted for its strengths both in traditional regional specialties (the histories of the U.S., Europe, Latin America, for example) and in thematic, transnational and comparative fields, including the history of Atlantic cultures and the African diaspora; African-American history; women's and gender history; comparative and global history; and the history of science, technology, environment, and health. In recent years, we have built on these strengths while expanding our geographic scope to include East Asia and Africa.