Diversity, Inclusion and Equity
Event Description
Shawn had a great time introducing Rutgers undergraduates to the prospect of graduate level research at the RU researching event hosted by SEBS EOF.
The goal of the event was “to galvanize first years and recruit sophomores and juniors in search of experiential learning opportunities.” - Senior EOF Counselor Kismet Hampton.
RISE Information and Alumni Panel Session at Middlesex College
Event Description
We are happy that we had the chance to host an information panel for the Middlesex college STEM club. This was an important step to help bridge the gap between 2 year colleges and graduate level research. We would like to give a special thank you to the 3 RISE program alumni Navar Mercer White, Nyla Howell, and Alejandra Medina Vazquez for participating in this event. Mercer and Nyla are both Rutgers Ph.D. students and SUPER-Grad fellows studying Chemistry and Geography respectively. Alejandra is rapidly approaching the end of her undergraduate degree and contemplating pursuing industry employment or a Ph.D. in engineering. You can find images of our panelists as well as images from the event bellow.
Navar Mercer White
Nyla Howell
Alejandra Medina Vazquez
Middlesex College will be welcoming RISE alumni to speak about the RISE program and how it has helped shape their trajectory!
The event will be help on Thursday the 21st at 2:15 in room 102 of the College Center with the university address being 2600 Woodbridge Ave, Edison, NJ 08837.
Bellow is a wonderful flyer created by the president of the Middlesex Stem Club Kshema Karanam who has invited RISE to the campus.
Zoom Details are included on the flyer bellow!
Graduate School Exploration Fair
Event Description
Come learn about the graduate school opportunities that Rutgers has to offer!
Graduate Tabling 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Fair location
President's Tent - College Avenue Campus, 22 Bishop Place (outdoor tent) New Brunswick NJ 08901
16th Annual GSLSAMP/NNJB2B Stem Research Confrence
Event Description
Come and see the presented research at the GSLSAMP/NNJB2B stem research conference!
We would like to give a nig shot out to Nyla Howell for helping at the Rutgers school of graduate studies booth at LSMAP
SACNAS Graduate Chapter Sangria Social
Event Description
Come enjoy a drink and get to meet others in the SACNAS group!
Ships Ahoy (Fellowships and Internships)
Event Description
Come learn about possible Fellowships and Internships and if they are right for you!
2024 Meyerhof Scholars Campus Connections
Event Description
All undergrads are welcome to come meet with our SGS members and ask any questions they have about our summer programs or graduate school options here at Rutgers University. Learn more about out summer programs HERE.
2024 Rutgers at SACNAS National Diversity in Stem Conference
Event Description
Rutgers booth 648
Find more information here
We are excited to meet you and talk about the great opportunities that Rutgers has for you at this year’s SACNAS NDiSTEM!
We had a great time at SACNAS this year. Please see a few images bellow!
Dr. Evelyn Erenrich and RISE Alumni Yaneli Guerra
Evelyn Erenrich and RISE alumni Karolina Wielowski
2024 Rutgers at ABRCMS (Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minoritized Scientists)
Event Description
Come meet our great staff and learn about Rutgers University's summer and graduate programs. Booth 1740
Find more information here
Images from this Years Conference!
Last years team is shown bellow. See how many of them you can find this year!
2024 RISE and Gradschool Information session: UPR
Event Description
Come Join us for an online information session on RISE and graduate school at Rutgers. Zoom link