The Business of Science

  • January 30, 2018
iJOBS Blog

By: Tomas Kasza Have you ever had a bench epiphany? One where you feel that the bench skills you are mastering will never be used at your next job? Making the transition from graduate or post-doctoral training to other types of jobs can be a difficult transition. What is the best way to have your resume show you have the skills necessary to succeed at the positions you are applying to? One way to show that you are prepared for a new career could be an additional degree to augment your education. The certificate in Science and Technology Management from the Rutgers University Business School can provide the business acumen you need to enhance your resume. This certificate is offered through the Masters in Business of Science program at Rutgers University. The master’s program describes itself as preparing “students with the necessary business and entrepreneurial skills and know how to translate scientific and technological ideas into profitable products and services.” Participants in the program can be undergraduate or graduate students, and depending on their level, they have different requirements. Bachelor’s students are drawn to the program if they want to specialize in one of the many fields offered through the MBS program.  These students take business classes alongside science classes encompassing life sciences, engineering, and information technology. Students learn to apply their more-specialized scientific knowledge to provide value to businesses. about_banner PhD and master’s level applicants applying for the certificate already have the science know-how. Thus the certificate program does not require that they take the science courses. Instead, the certificate requires the core business courses along with two business elective courses for a total of nineteen units. What kind of business courses are we talking about? Some of the required business courses have the titles “Market Assessment and Analysis for Business & Science” and “Principles of Accounting and Finance for Science and Technology Management”. These courses can supplement your scientific knowledge by bridging the gap to business. Additionally, courses are taught by professors who have relevant experience in industry and can address the skills mismatch between traditionally trained Biomedical PhD students and the skills potential employers would like you to have. Admissions to the program is available during each semester, but some classes are only offered during specific semesters. Admissions to the program requires the approval of your PI, but requires less paperwork than most graduate school applications. Another great aspect about this certificate is that the required courses are also offered online. Taking classes without physically being in a classroom adds a lot of flexibility to obtaining the certificate, allowing busy researchers the time to complete lab experiments. On the other hand, I have spoken to a Rutgers University PhD graduate who obtained this certificate and they told me that taking the class in person allows you to network with classmates who are already employed in industry. So, perhaps the advantages of taking the classes in-person outweigh the benefits of taking them online. That is something that you will have to decide for yourself! If you are interested in applying to the Masters of Business in Science, you should set up a meeting with a program counselor to discuss the best goals for your degree and desired career path. You can find a comprehensive description of the program here. Good luck to those who decide to apply to the certificate program!

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