Event Description

This will be a hands-on session doing a case study on adherence to an oral oncologist and the implications for research. Dan Reinhardt of Return on Focus will lead the program. We will be looking at the data published on adherence to oral cancer medications and then have a discussion regarding the implications to patients, physicians and industry. To view the presentation slides, click here.

The following are links to relevant papers: 123, and 4.

Event Description

Come learn about Ashfield Healthcare Communications and the Medical Communications career opportunities. A presentation with an overview of Ashfield Healthcare Communication will be followed by a Q&A session with members of the staff in Medical Communication and finally informal networking time. To view the presentation slides for the first speaker, click here.

Event Description

Come network with officers and local members of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists from Bristol Myers Squibb and other local companies to gain new insights into the industry and increase your contacts in industry. There will be an opportunity to learn more about AAPS and how you can get involved with the local and national chapters. To view the presentation slides, please click here.

Event Description

As the Pharmaceutical Industry has been impacted by dramatic changes in the economy, Drug Development is increasingly relying on small Biotechnology companies.

To view the agenda, please click here and for the presentation slides, refer to below: 
Mary Konsolaki
Ira Daly
Ben Bowen
Randy Webb
Ron Steele
Larry Wennogle
Sam Kongsamut

Event Description

The goal of this hands-on session is to improve science business writing skills lead by Dianiell Heuer who has marketed and developed documents and training for soft skills, sales, and systems as well as process documents for systems and procedures in the pharmaceutical industry and is currently a communications consultant for WD. 

To view the presentation slides, please click here.

Event Description

Come learn about career opportunities for PhD level professionals, hear from scientists, and tour the facilities at Janssen Diagnostics which is a division of Johnson and Johnson. There will be panel of speakers representing areas such as Oncology Diagnostics, Immunology, and Cardiovascular Metabolism, Infectious Diseases and Health IT Solutions, Pharmaceutics, Neuroscience as well as business, patent law and regulatory affairs.

To view the presentation slides and contact info, please click here.

Event Description

There are many options for PhD scientists within the university setting that do not include being a PI or running your own lab. Come hear from a variety of PhDs who have roles at Rutgers ranging from running core facilities, serving as an administrative dean, office of commercialization, office of research and sponsored programs, and lab safety. To view the speaker bios, please click here.

Event Description

Meet PhD level scientists and tour the facilities at Envigo which is a Contract Research Organization that provides essential products and research services for pharmaceutical and chemical companies as well as universities and governments. CROs are a great place for fresh PhD and postdocs to get their first position so come learn more about how the company operates and how you can get a position at Envigo. 

To view the presentation slides, please click here, and for the contact info, click here.

Event Description

Come spend the whole day at Bristol Myers Squibb and learn how the company operates and how to get your foot in the door. We will be joining other groups for this extensive tour including interactions with PhD level employees of this large pharmaceutical company that has delivered 12 new medicines in the past 7 years.

To view the contact info and additional information about the tour and schedule, please click here.

Event Description

You will hear an update on iJOBS and have an opportunity to meet with your mentor to discuss your progress to date and goals for the upcoming year. Matt Alcalde from BioNJ will come to explain how to take advantage of BioNJ's resources as an iJOBS trainee and the best way to approach a job search.

For the slides from the event please click here.