Event Description

Learn about the career of equity research by doing a hands-on case study. Come hear the career paths of several scientists who have made this transition and benefit from the interactive job simulation.

Click here to view the presentation slides and for speaker bios, click here.

Event Description

Technical specialists work with lawyers to advise on patent applications. Several scientists will lead a case study so you can see if you enjoy this career path. Benefit from the advice of these guests as to how to transition to this growing field. A recruiter for technical specialists will also be present to explain the hiring process.

Click here to view the presentation slides and for speaker bios, click here.

Event Description

Technical specialists work with lawyers to advise on patent applications. Several scientists will lead a case study so you can see if you enjoy this career path. Benefit from the advice of these guests as to how to transition to this growing field. A recruiter for technical specialists will also be present to explain the hiring process.

Click here for the McCann Health contacts.

Event Description

The NYU School of Graduate Studies has sponsored this program and is allowed to bring 150 students and postdocs to the event for free, so sign up for this two-day event which is held in NYC! What Can You Be With A PhD?: A Science and Technology Focused Career Convention is a unique opportunity to connect the private and public sector, industry, and academe with the rising generation of scientists and engineers who will become tomorrow’s leaders and innovators.  Register and learn more at http://whatcanyoubewithaphd.com.

Event Description

In this session presented by Claudia Campbell-Matland PMP, Chairperson of PMINJ (Project Management Institute NJ Chapter) Life Sciences team, you will learn the concepts of PM processes and techniques - focusing on project integration, risk management, and stakeholder engagement and communications.

Click here to view the presentation slides and for speaker bios, click here. You can find the group exercises here and additional handouts here.

Event Description

A career as an editor or publisher of a scientific journal allows you to use your training in the scientific method and critical review of literature across a wide variety of subject matters to help propel the research field forward. Come to visit Wiley, one of the oldest publishing firms in the country that is responsible for journals including FEBS, EMBO, and Current Protocols.

Click here to view contacts from Wiley Publishing.

Event Description

A panel of PhD scientists who work in the non-profit sector will share their career paths and scenarios to lend insight into this area. Guests will be from The Helmsley Trust, Autism Science Foundation, The Foundation for Opioid Response Efforts, and the Rutgers Foundation.

Click here to view event resources and for speaker bios, click here.

Event Description

GlaxoSmithKline is a leading company in pharmaceutical medicines, vaccines, and healthcare products. They are specifically hiring computational biologists, statistical geneticists, and geneticists at this time. Come meet representatives and employees from GSK and hear about the science they are involved in as well as how you can get your foot in the door with a job at GSK.

Click here to view the speaker bios.

Event Description

Click here to view the agenda and speaker bios.

Event Description

Negotiating skills are essential regardless of the career path for getting the salary you want, a promotion, or even asking someone for the opportunity to participate in an internship or special activity. Professor Bill Dwyer who studies Labor and Employment Relations will lead a session on negotiations and give you practical tips on how to interact with others in difficult situations for a successful outcome and a thriving career.

Click here to view speaker bios and for the presentation slides, click here.