Business Management

An Interview with a Pharmaceutical Leader

  • November 15, 2018
iJOBS Blog

Written by Vinam Puri Dr. Navneet Puri is the Founder and CEO of Nevakar, Inc. in Bridgewater, NJ. He started this company in 2015, with a vision of creating a fully integrated specialty pharmaceutical company focusing on hospital injectables and ophthalmic products. As Chief Executive Officer, he sets the strategic and operational direction of the organization. Prior to this, he was the Founder and CEO of Innopharma, LLC (now a Pfizer company). A Rutgers Alumnus, he received his Ph.D.

Foray into the World of Project Management: The Course

  • October 2, 2018
iJOBS Blog

By: Shekerah Primus An important component of the iJOBS phase two program is to complete a course of your choice, which relates to your chosen career track. As an aspiring project manager, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that I chose the Project Management course. This course is offered by the Rutgers Business School as part of their Master of Business Administration degree program. I would like to use this post to give an overview of the course as well as my first impressions. The course is designed to help students develop the skills necessary to be successful project managers.

The Business of Science

  • January 30, 2018
iJOBS Blog

By: Tomas Kasza Have you ever had a bench epiphany? One where you feel that the bench skills you are mastering will never be used at your next job? Making the transition from graduate or post-doctoral training to other types of jobs can be a difficult transition. What is the best way to have your resume show you have the skills necessary to succeed at the positions you are applying to? One way to show that you are prepared for a new career could be an additional degree to augment your education.

Strategic Online Networking to Propel Your Career using 2Actify

  • January 25, 2018
iJOBS Blog

By: Huri Mücahit The following blog post was written after attending the iJOBS Workshop: Strategic Online Networking to Propel Your Career on January 18th, 2018. With this workshop, iJOBS once more offers the opportunity to expand networking skills with the program 2Actify. Following the success of the pilot program launched this past summer, (see Fatu Badiane's experience with 2Actify), the founder, Penny Pearl

The PhD Rises: Be the Applicant your Future Employer needs!

  • July 25, 2017
iJOBS Blog

This piece was written after attending an iJOBS workshop entitled: How to Get and Keep a Job presented by Nancy Mark from Johnson & Johnson on June 29th, 2017 in Piscataway, NJ. As graduate students and post docs, we work in a semi-professional environment, wearing the uniforms of bright t-shirts, coffee stained jeans, and disintegrating shoes. Transitioning from this scholarly environment to one that requires tailored clothes and dry cleaning can be daunting, requiring more than just a simple trip to Nordstrom’s.

The business of good writing: Less is more

  • November 21, 2016

By: Itzamarie Chevere-Torres

“Good writing is good writing; it doesn’t matter if it is an email”  Danielle Heuer, co-founder of Every Voice Educates and Communication Consultant and Coach for WD Communications, said as she started the presentation on Science Business Writing Workshop.