iJOBS Event Summary

iJOBS StrengthsFinder workshop: Putting our strengths to use

  • May 29, 2019
iJOBS Blog

by Vicky Kanta


Finding a job that perfectly matches our personality is a difficult task. Graduate students and postdocs are constantly surrounded by a multitude of career choices. However, what makes this search even more complicated is that many of us are not even aware of our innate abilities. For this reason, a recent iJOBS workshop helped us find and familiarize ourselves with our individual strengths.

iJOBS Site Visit to McCann Health - part 2 of 2: The People

  • April 25, 2019
iJOBS Blog

by Helena Mello This is a follow-up post to the article: iJOBS site visit to McCann Health - The Industry, wherein I explained the company’s structure. The second part of the site visit to McCann Health was a panel discussion with 7 current employees who enlightened us about their paths to getting a job at the company and gave advice to those considering joining a healthcare advertisement firm.

iJOBS Workshop on Patent Law and Intellectual Property

  • April 16, 2019
iJOBS Blog

by Vicky Kanta   One of the most rewarding aspects of being a scientist is inventing new things. Indeed, often enough scientific inventions are so important that the inventor’s rights need to be protected. But how exactly does that process take place? This is where a recent iJOBS workshop comes in, which provided key knowledge on intellectual property and patent law. The invited experts were Elysa Goldberg, PhD, JD and Brian Cocca, PhD, JD. They are both part of a team practicing patent law for the pharmaceutical company Regeneron.

Flip your Classroom - Effective Teaching Techniques

  • March 28, 2019
iJOBS Blog

By: Shekerah Primus To teach effectively, you must use Active Learning techniques. This was the main point I learned during the iJOBS sponsored Effective Teaching Techniques workshop, which was conducted by Dr. Diana Glendinning, a highly popular professor in the Neuroscience and Cell Biology department here at Rutgers. Active learning flips the traditional style of learning. In traditional classrooms, learning is passive; the professor uses the majority of classroom time to teach information by lecturing.

iJOBS site visit to McCann Health – part 1 of 2: The Industry

  • March 19, 2019
iJOBS Blog

By Helena Mello In this post, I will share some highlights from the iJOBS Site Visit to McCann Health in New York City. McCann Health is a global marketing company with more than 60 offices worldwide, and is a leader in strategic communications for the healthcare world. Several big pharma and biotech companies rely on McCann’s services to bring their products to life and engage with their audiences. Broadly speaking, McCann’s market is part of the Medical Communications world.

Introduction to Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics

  • March 7, 2019
iJOBS Blog

By Huri Mücahit The following blog post was written after attending the iJOBS workshop: Primer in PK/PD held on February 20th, 2019

iJOBS Workshop -- The Many Hats of Consulting

  • February 14, 2019
iJOBS Blog

Written by: Paulina Krzyszczyk Edited by: Huri Mücahit and Tomas Kasza On February 1st, I attended the iJOBS-sponsored consulting workshop led by Sidnee Pinho, the U.S. Chief Operating Officer of Prescient Healthcare Group. The workshop opened up my eyes to a field that I had previously poorly understood, and therefore not seriously considered as a potential career path. I am very glad that I attended, as I learned a lot about this exciting field.

iJOBS event summary: Contract Research Organization career panel

  • February 12, 2019
iJOBS Blog

By Tomas Kasza You might have heard that the first rule of contract research organizations (CROs) is you don’t talk about contract research organizations (CROs). THAT’S A LIE! It turns out that employees of CROs are excited to discuss their career knowledge with PhD and post-doctoral level academic researchers. CROs represent a great opportunity for PhD level scientists to transition from academia to industry. CROs provide essential support, generate fantastic science, and create quality products for the large biotechnology and corporate agencies that they contract with.

Take-Away Messages from the Eagleton Science and Politics Workshop: Scientists in Politics

  • December 18, 2018
iJOBS Blog

by Helena Mello On November 30, the Eagleton Institute of Politics, along with iJOBS, hosted the Eagleton Science and Politics Workshop: Scientists in Politics. As introduced by Eagleton’s Director Ruth B. Mandel, PhD, this workshop is part of a series of events that aim to (1) encourage political engagement in the scientific community, and (2) explore how science, technology, and politics intersect. I had the opportunity to attend the workshop and will share some highlights of it with you.

Choose Your Adventure: Non-Traditional Careers in the Pharma Agency Space

  • November 14, 2018
iJOBS Blog

Written by Vinam Puri Are you studying for (or already are) a Ph.D. in Life Science/Pharma/Biotech? Are you of a creative mind interested in the communication space but not sure if there is a career for you in it? Are you interested in going on an adventure and exploring an area you may not have known? Read right ahead and be just as amazed as I was when I learned about this. The help of a workshop introduced me to a world of opportunities that immediately felt like my niche. Let me introduce this world to you.