iJOBS Networking: BioPharma Networking Group and Alumni with Current Trainees

  • September 20, 2019
iJOBS Blog

By Tomas Kasza The BioPharma Networking Group (BPNG) held a networking event between current and former graduate trainees in Piscataway, New Jersey on September 10, 2019. It was a great opportunity for current graduate student to get acquainted with industry professionals, industry careers and create networking bonds. The iJOBS blog caught up with several of the attendees to hear them tell their stories and experiences. These attendees included: Camille English, Vaidhyanathan Mahaganapathy, Vinam Puri and Ning Chiang. Q1. Graduate students have diverse reasons for attending networking events, can you let me know what your interest in attending the event was? Was there a specific area you were interested in and did you find you could get the answers to your career questions? Camille: “No specific area, I wanted to see what was available to me outside of academia. I didn’t get all the answers, but I wasn’t expecting to. It was my first time at one of these.” Vaidhy: “I was interested in knowing the companies that are attending such events and establishing contacts with people from different industries. These contacts might come in handy when I graduate. Also, I wanted to know the types of companies I would be better suited to, given my skillset and I was able to get some idea from two recruiting consultants at the event.” Vinam: “I am planning to graduate next May but am looking for opportunities to start work in January, which is why I thought the NJBP networking event may be a good event to attend. I went in with interest in Scientific/Medical Affairs and also got exposed to other roles like that of Shekerah Primus, who recently started role of the NGS Study manager at Genewiz. She is a Phase-4 iJOBS trainee who shared her career path and her experience as an iJOBS trainee. Ning: “I went to the event because I am currently looking for a job, ideally a research scientist position. I would like to grow my network and get some advice on job searching strategies, especially about position selection, resume writing and interview skills. People were very willing to share their experience, either from applicant’s or recruiter’s viewpoint.” Q2. Many iJOBS events discuss the importance of networking in a diverse set of fields. Did you find it easy or difficult to network? Did you find that the industry scientists in attendance were approachable? Camille: “It wasn’t too difficult to network. I spoke to people from different career sets: chemist to admin assistant. I ended up speaking to people for a long time, so didn’t meet a lot of new people probably 4 or 5. I actually met someone who works on the same floor as me, but just knew in passing; we chatted and I found out we have similar issues dealing with graduate school. Yes, people were approachable.” Vaidhy: “I definitely found them approachable, given that they showed up to a networking event knowing eager students will be looking to talk to them.” Vinam: “I did not find it difficult to network, however I did notice that it took some time for the industry and academia groups to interact. When it got from intra-group to inter-group discussions, it was more helpful. I also found that staying till the end of the event was useful in order to connect with everyone.” Ning: “Since I am an introvert and super shy, I always find networking a very difficult task. I know networking is important, so I force myself to talk to strangers during networking events. The industry scientists I have met were all very friendly and easy to approach. It was mostly my own mental obstacle that hinders me from being proactive. It takes a lot out of me after each networking event – I feel drained every time.” BPNJ Q3. Was there a new career that you discovered and are looking into further? What did you learn from attending? Camille: “Maybe: Medical communications consulting. This was just a job listing, I want to look further into what this career entails.” Vaidhy: “I did not find a new career, rather I established contacts with industries I might consider working for in the future.” Vinam: “I had almost stopped looking at Project Management roles, but because of Shekerah’s experience, I have started looking into it again. I did not discover any new careers but refreshed an old one that I had started feeling may not be for me.” Ning: “I was formerly avoiding contract jobs because my goal was to find a full-time permanent position. However, I have talked to an attendee who has been doing a lot of contract jobs, and she said she learned a lot and it was worth it. Therefore, I probably will also consider contract job as an alternative.” Q4. Would you recommend networking events such as these to other graduate students? Camille: “Definitely!” Vaidhy: “I would absolutely recommend graduate students to attend such events. I was a bit under-prepared for the event as this was my first attendance but in future, I look forward to attending similar events with business cards printed out.” Vinam: “Yes, I would. You never know where you meet someone that can lead to a pivotal moment in your job search. I can give you an example of an interaction that I was not expecting at this event. In a chat with the Executive Team Lead and NJBP Host, Mr. Anil H. Vaidya, we discussed in detail about the application process and how to use the NJBP chapters to my advantage. Anil also took the time to explain in detail, the resume tailoring process and I think that was helpful.” Ning: “Yes, I would love to! However, I would suggest them to prepare some questions in mind to ask like I did. This way could make the most out of this great opportunity.”   Whether you are looking for an industry mentor or your next job, take an opportunity to network at the BPNG events! As you can see 4/4 graduate students recommend it! Our panel of interviewees advise coming to networking events prepared with questions to ask potential contacts. It is also important to push yourself outside of your comfort zone, and try to encounter professionals within industry as Vinam suggested. Several of the attendees discovered new career areas while others rediscovered job potential in places they thought were closed to them. Whether you are looking to expand your network, get career advice, or find a new job, the iJOBS networking events are a great place to start! Junior Editor: Emily Kelly Senior Editor: Monal Mehta

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