Event Description

This workshop will include presentations by:

  1. GradFund on how to use their resources at Rutgers for identifying fellowship opportunities and applying for them. 
  2. A faculty member who serves on the NIH study section and reviews fellowship applications with pointers on what reviewers are looking for. 
  3. A panel of graduate students and their mentors who have successfully obtained funding in the past few years from various organizations.


Join Via Zoom

https://rutgers.zoom.us/my/alderja Passcode: Janet

Event Description

In this session, we will discuss tips and tricks for time management during your class sessions. How can we plan our classes effectively in advance? And what do we do if activities don’t go as planned? Our discussion will focus on how to structure your time a during a session and how to assess your strategies afterwards.

Register for the workshop to receive the Zoom link.

Event Description

During this session, we will discuss several ways to incorporate inclusive elements in course syllabi. We will consider research and pedagogy that demonstrate the importance of inclusivity in course design for improving student outcomes, engagement, and classroom dynamics. We will focus on how to make course design, policies, assignments, instructor information, and language more inclusive and equitable for students.

Register for the workshop to receive the Zoom link.

Event Description

The goal of this workshop is to discuss ways to integrate active learning into your course and practice some of the techniques as a group. We will also focus on how to translate active learning techniques to an online setting,and how to foster a sense of community in both the in-person and virtual classrooms.

Register for the workshop to receive the Zoom link.

Event Description

Culturally competent courses can provide instructors and students with the knowledge, attitudes, skills, and behaviors to engage in positive relationships, and effectively work in cross cultural situations. This workshop will encourage teaching assistants to review their course materials, and consider whether readings, media, lectures, or assignments can be adjusted to be more inclusive and representative of the diversity of the university. Themes will include integrating cultural relevance and diverse role models and confronting and revising stereotypes.

Register for the workshop to receive the Zoom link.

Event Description

This workshop explores the purposes of a diversity statement for academic employment, reviews pedagogical practices for teaching diverse students, and examines how scholars can talk about diversity in their teaching and research. Armed with this information, participants review and critique sample diversity statements before work-shopping their own ideas and drafts of the diversity statement. Participants should bring any materials related to the diversity statement that they have already prepared.

Register for the workshop to receive the Zoom link.

Event Description

If you are considering applying for a teaching position in higher education, you will need to prepare a Teaching Portfolio. This session will provide you with the tools and knowledge to create your teaching portfolio now. Designed to help graduate students prepare teaching portfolios. The major parts of a teaching portfolio will be covered, including teaching responsibilities, teaching philosophy and goals, and evidence of effective teaching.

Register for the workshop to receive the Zoom link.

Event Description

To better support Rutgers TAs, the TA Project will be holding regular virtual office hours. These office hours provide TAs with an opportunity to join a virtual video meeting and talk with experienced TAs about TAing at Rutgers. Feel free to drop by if you have questions about your TA duties, would like to know more about the resources that are available to you, or if you just want to chat and problem solve about the challenges you are facing as a TA at Rutgers. The TA Project virtual office hours will be hosted via Zoom, use the following link to join: https://rutgers.zoom.us/j/93632442826?pwd=Y1lybTVVN1E1NlVtd0ExemFHM1M3dz09

Event Description

To better support Rutgers TAs, the TA Project will be holding regular virtual office hours. These office hours provide TAs with an opportunity to join a virtual video meeting and talk with experienced TAs about TAing at Rutgers. Feel free to drop by if you have questions about your TA duties, would like to know more about the resources that are available to you, or if you just want to chat and problem solve about the challenges you are facing as a TA at Rutgers. The TA Project virtual office hours will be hosted via Zoom, use the following link to join: https://rutgers.zoom.us/j/93632442826?pwd=Y1lybTVVN1E1NlVtd0ExemFHM1M3dz09

Event Description

To better support Rutgers TAs, the TA Project will be holding regular virtual office hours. These office hours provide TAs with an opportunity to join a virtual video meeting and talk with experienced TAs about TAing at Rutgers. Feel free to drop by if you have questions about your TA duties, would like to know more about the resources that are available to you, or if you just want to chat and problem solve about the challenges you are facing as a TA at Rutgers. The TA Project virtual office hours will be hosted via Zoom, use the following link to join: https://rutgers.zoom.us/j/93632442826?pwd=Y1lybTVVN1E1NlVtd0ExemFHM1M3dz09