iJobs Virtual Career Panel: Careers at the NIH

  • October 22, 2020
iJOBS Blog

By: Gina Sanchez

Pursuing a job opportunity at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) can appear ambitious, especially as competition for federal funding and resources increases every year. In this iJOBS virtual career panel, iJOBS trainees were able to meet with four current NIH employees to discuss various career opportunities at the NIH, how to effectively apply for these jobs, and overall biomedical science career advice.

From Mice to Databases: Health Economics and Outcomes Research

  • October 15, 2020
iJOBS Blog

By: Keyaara M. Robinson Many STEM Ph.D. students may be wondering how they can translate their lab bench skills into a career outside of academia. The good news is that our knowledge of the scientific method is valuable both in solving complex problems both in the lab and in a career in Health Economics and Outcomes Research. If you would like to learn more about this exciting field, keep reading! On September 20th, the Rutgers iJOBS program hosted a unique simulation exploring the Health Economics and Outcomes Research (HEOR) career field.