Tackling the Academic Career Path (Bonus: The Two-Body Job Search)

  • July 28, 2015

We know iJOBS is here to expose us sheltered grad students/post docs to the opportunities outside of academia. However, for those committed to the academic track, iJOBS, together with the Postdoc Association, hosted our very own Dr. Samuel Bunting and his wife, Dr. Nina Peel to take us through their two different academic career paths and how they pulled it all off as a husband-and-wife team.

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SGS Recognizes John Wu's Award

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Research Intensive Summer Experience (RISE) at Rutgers

Congratulations to Steven and Sabrina

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June 24, 2024

Research Intensive Summer Experience (RISE) at Rutgers

Congratulations to Joy Akeju

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April 16, 2024

Brevity is the soul of wit: Three Minute Thesis (3MT®)

  • July 21, 2015

Have you ever had that (dreaded?) experience when someone suddenly springs this question on you: “So, what do you do?” I’ve had all different kinds of people ask me this: a colleague, a fellow graduate student, a prospective housemate, my parents. It seems like such a simple question, and yet it has taken me years to feel completely at ease with my answer.

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Alumni Achievements

SGS Recognizes John Wu's Award

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July 2, 2024

Research Intensive Summer Experience (RISE) at Rutgers

Congratulations to Steven and Sabrina

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June 24, 2024

Research Intensive Summer Experience (RISE) at Rutgers

Congratulations to Joy Akeju

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April 16, 2024

Meet the Bloggers: Chris Lowe

  • July 17, 2015
iJOBS Blog

Weird CLowe Collage My name is Chris Lowe and I’m a 5th year PhD student in the Biomedical Engineering department. I’m advised by Dr. David Shreiber and my work is focused on developing novel biomaterials for nervous system regeneration and repair.

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Alumni Achievements

SGS Recognizes John Wu's Award

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July 2, 2024

Research Intensive Summer Experience (RISE) at Rutgers

Congratulations to Steven and Sabrina

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June 24, 2024

Research Intensive Summer Experience (RISE) at Rutgers

Congratulations to Joy Akeju

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April 16, 2024

Postdocs reimagined

  • July 14, 2015

In keeping with my recent theme, which might be summarized as, “PhD, heal thyself,” I will use this blog post to draw your attention to the current issue of the journal Science.  Earlier this year, Science magazine (via their feed at twitter.com/sciencemagazine) posed the question, “Is the idea of the postdoc position obsolete in today's scientific landscape?” 

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Alumni Achievements

SGS Recognizes John Wu's Award

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July 2, 2024

Research Intensive Summer Experience (RISE) at Rutgers

Congratulations to Steven and Sabrina

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June 24, 2024

Research Intensive Summer Experience (RISE) at Rutgers

Congratulations to Joy Akeju

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April 16, 2024

"My Non-traditional Career Path So Far"

  • July 10, 2015
iJOBS Blog

Meet the Bloggers - Bob Have friends and relatives asked you questions like: “How long does it take to get your postdoctoral degree?” or, “Oh, so when do you finish your postdoctoral training position and actually get a job?” RO headshot

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Alumni Achievements

SGS Recognizes John Wu's Award

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July 2, 2024

Research Intensive Summer Experience (RISE) at Rutgers

Congratulations to Steven and Sabrina

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June 24, 2024

Research Intensive Summer Experience (RISE) at Rutgers

Congratulations to Joy Akeju

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April 16, 2024

What PhDs have that the US government wants!

  • July 7, 2015

NIH Clinical Research Center aerial.jpghttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Institutes_of_Health#/media/File:NIH_Clinical_Research_Center_aerial.jpg

Related News

Alumni Achievements

SGS Recognizes John Wu's Award

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July 2, 2024

Research Intensive Summer Experience (RISE) at Rutgers

Congratulations to Steven and Sabrina

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June 24, 2024

Research Intensive Summer Experience (RISE) at Rutgers

Congratulations to Joy Akeju

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April 16, 2024

Meet the Bloggers: Ina Nikolaeva

  • July 3, 2015
iJOBS Blog

Meet the Bloggers My name is Ina Nikolaeva. I was born in the small country of Bulgaria in 1989, from where my family moved to Canada, via South Africa. I am fluent in two languages, Bulgarian and English, with some knowledge of French left over from my time in Canada. I completed my Bachelor’s Degree in General Biology and a Chemistry minor at the University of Toronto in Toronto, Canada.

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Alumni Achievements

SGS Recognizes John Wu's Award

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July 2, 2024

Research Intensive Summer Experience (RISE) at Rutgers

Congratulations to Steven and Sabrina

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June 24, 2024

Research Intensive Summer Experience (RISE) at Rutgers

Congratulations to Joy Akeju

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April 16, 2024

Science is a story and scientists are its storytellers

  • June 30, 2015

Last 29th of May 2015, iJOBS hosted a seminar entitled “The Art of Scientific Storytelling” with guest speaker Dr. Rafael Luna from Luna Scientific Storytelling LLC and Harvard Medical School. He began his talk by asking us to define “story” without using the word “narrative”. You’d think it was a simple question, but I found I couldn’t define it properly. Dr.

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Alumni Achievements

SGS Recognizes John Wu's Award

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July 2, 2024

Research Intensive Summer Experience (RISE) at Rutgers

Congratulations to Steven and Sabrina

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June 24, 2024

Research Intensive Summer Experience (RISE) at Rutgers

Congratulations to Joy Akeju

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April 16, 2024

Meet the Bloggers: Myka Ababon

  • June 26, 2015
iJOBS Blog

Meet the Bloggers bending my berimbauI am Myka R. Ababon, currently working on my PhD in the Cell and Developmental Biology Program at Rutgers. Outside the lab, my interests lie in music and physical activities.

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Alumni Achievements

SGS Recognizes John Wu's Award

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July 2, 2024

Research Intensive Summer Experience (RISE) at Rutgers

Congratulations to Steven and Sabrina

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June 24, 2024

Research Intensive Summer Experience (RISE) at Rutgers

Congratulations to Joy Akeju

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April 16, 2024

Informational Interview: Larry Petcovic, Cofounder of SciPhD

  • June 23, 2015

Mr. Larry Petcovic, MS2 and Mr. Randall Ribaudo, PhD are co-founders of the SciPhD program, tailored to help young scientists transition into careers outside academia. With a combined background of graduate school, academic and industry research, entrepreneurship, and communications, the two co-founders offer a wide range of experiences and perspectives with which to guide fledgling scientists attempting to dodge unemployment in today’s job market.

Related News

Alumni Achievements

SGS Recognizes John Wu's Award

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July 2, 2024

Research Intensive Summer Experience (RISE) at Rutgers

Congratulations to Steven and Sabrina

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June 24, 2024

Research Intensive Summer Experience (RISE) at Rutgers

Congratulations to Joy Akeju

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April 16, 2024