MBGSO Symposium

  • June 28, 2021

Thank you to the MBGSO for putting on a great graduate student virtual symposium in March 2021 and congratulations to the presentation winners!  All of the presentations were very impressive and we thank everyone who participated and attended for making the event a success. 


Oral presentations:

1st - Nydia P. Chang 

2nd - Gina M. Castellano

3rd - Robert A. Dowden


Poster presentations:

1st (tie) - Pooja Khanna and Esther Mezhibovsky

2nd - Uyen Nguyen


Event Description

Learn best practices in experimental design, manuscript preparation, and submission to help you get your papers published.

This event is open to graduate students, postdocs, faculty and staff.


Nidhi Bansal

Editor-in-chief, Cancer Reports

John Wiley and Sons Publishing

Meeting Details:


Passcode: Janet

Event Description

This free workshop will be presented by the Financial Planning Association of New Jersey to educate graduate students on Budgeting, Cash flow and debt. We know that living on a stipend while in graduate school can be challenging and many of you also have families to support. The skills you gain in this workshop will help you navigate your financial situation.

Meeting Details:


Passcode: Janet

Event Description

This workshop will include presentations by:

  1. GradFund on how to use their resources at Rutgers for identifying fellowship opportunities and applying for them.
  2. A faculty member who serves on the NIH study section and reviews fellowship applications with pointers on what reviewers are looking for.
  3. A panel of graduate students and their mentors who have successfully obtained funding in the past few years from various organizations.

Join the Event via zoom

Link: https://rutgers-hipaa.zoom.us/my/alderja

Passcode: Janet