What Can You Be with a PhD? – Science Outreach and Non-Profit

  • January 10, 2022
iJOBS Blog

By Natalie Losada

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Research Intensive Summer Experience (RISE) at Rutgers

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Event Description

• Janet Alder and Jim Millonig from the School of Graduate Studies will present a new document from the AAMC on Appropriate Treatment of Research Trainees for faculty to learn about best practices in mentoring

• This will be followed by an interactive session run by CAPS counselors for faculty to learn about approaches and resources for dealing with students in distress.

• Finally we will discuss a case study and share experiences and advice in mentoring biomedical PhD students


Event Description

Learn best practices in experimental design, manuscript preparation, and submission to help you get your papers published.

Click here to see slides.

Event Description

This free workshop will be presented by the Financial Planning Association of New Jersey to educate graduate students on budgeting, cash flow, and debt.  We know that living on a stipend while in graduate school can be challenging and many of you also have families to support. The skills you gain in this workshop will help you navigate your financial situation. 


Event Description

You will start teaching a lab, a class, or a recitation section this upcoming Fall and want to use the summer to start thinking about teaching? You have already graded for a professor but do not know how to make use of that experience in a classroom setting? This session is specifically designed to explore common questions you might have in a group setting and we will share some tips and tricks for a great first-time teaching experience!

Event Description

Summer classes present TAs with different challenges and opportunities, both in person and online. Because these courses have both a compressed time period and longer classes, instructors need to find different ways of presenting their material. This workshop will present ways to teach effectively during the summer, in a traditional classroom and in an online classroom.

Event Description

During this session, we will discuss academic integrity and the role of the TA. We will review common violations (e.g., cheating, plagiarism, dishonesty) and the process for dealing with these violations according to Rutgers' policy. We will also explore preventative and proactive measures TAs/instructors can take to reinforce academic integrity.

Event Description

Teachers acquire valuable skills to effectively engage and educate their students. Beyond an academic context, teaching skills are transferable for roles in business, leadership, research, and more. During this workshop, discuss how to refine and reframe teaching skills to benefit a non-academic career path.

Event Description

This interactive session will help you consider and design your Teaching Philosophy Statement which is an integral component of the job application for faculty positions.