Event Description

This workshop will provide suggestions for creating an inclusive classroom environment. During this session, we will review the benefits of inclusive, equitable teaching practices and discuss specific, actionable ways that instructors and TAs can foster a welcoming environment for all students.

Event Description

We will discuss strategies to encourage student participation, for both in-person and virtual classrooms. We will go over how to set the stage for success on the very first day and how to recognize and allow productive silence in the classroom. In addition, we will discuss activities and tools that you can use to increase student participation.

RISE 2022 Symposium

August 3, 2022
9:00 am - 1:30 pm

Event Description

Join us as we return to an in-person Symposium and Poster Session to celebrate the outstanding accomplishments of our Summer Scholars. Following an inspirational plenary speaker, meet the 64 students and learn about the research they have done under the guidance of carefully-matched Rutgers faculty mentors. Participants represent 49 sending schools from 21 U.S. states and territories.

For the full program and more information on the RISE Symposium, please see our full website here.

Congrats to Winners of 5 Minute Presentation Competition!

  • July 26, 2022
Research Intensive Summer Experience (RISE) at Rutgers

On Friday, July 22nd, RISE held our Mini-Symposium where our 2022 scholars participated in 5 Minute Presentations. The Mini-Symposium highlighted the scholarship and research of the undergraduate participants of several cooperating summer programs. Rutgers faculty mentors, often assisted by post-doctoral fellows, graduate students, research staff or other undergraduates, guide the summer students. The participants include undergraduates from Rutgers and from institutions across the US and its territories.

SPH PhD Student News

  • July 26, 2022
Awards & Honors

SPH PhD Student News


Publications, Presentations, Fellowships, and Awards

SPH PhD Students – Year End Review

2020 PhD Cohort

Tina Dharamdasani


iJOBS Workshop: Using staffing agencies to get hired

  • July 25, 2022
iJOBS Blog

By Joycelyn Radeny


Are you a PhD student or a postdoc looking for employment opportunities to either jumpstart or advance your career in industry? A staffing agency is a powerful tool that can be used to achieve your goals.

Event Description

This workshop will explore the PivotTable - a dynamic and sophisticated analytical tool in Excel. With a PivotTable you can quickly summarize and visualize large amounts of data with just a few clicks.

The workshop will be hosted on Zoom or WebEx.

Event Description

Digital materials like Microsoft Word docs, PowerPoint presentations, PDFs, and videos are commonly used in face-to-face and online classes alike. But what many don’t realize is these documents may be difficult to access for students with disabilities. For students to learn in your course, the first step is ensuring access to content. In this workshop, we will go over best practices, tools, and strategies to ensure that your audience can gather information regardless of device, software, or disability. For this hands-on session, please bring your own device to try creating accessible materials, as well as examples of images, documents (Word and/or PDF!), or videos from your own courses.

The workshop will be hosted on Zoom or WebEx.