Event Description

IMSD invites two of our senior graduate students, Khea Wolff and Stephania Guzman, to present their ongoing work:

Khea Wolff, a 6th year graduate student in the Plant Biology graduate program, will present her work entitled: "An investigation into the pharmacological activity of an isothiocyanate-rich moringa seed extract". 

Stephanie Guzman, a 5th year graduate student in the Molecular Pharmacology graduate program will present her work entitled: "Targeting hepatic kisspeptin receptor ameliorates non-alcoholic fatty liver disease" 

Event Description

We are very excited to invite you to a panel discussion with Rutgers STEM faculty from groups under-represented in the sciences. Come to hear their stories and learn from their experiences.


  • Victoria Abraira, Assistant Professor, Cell Biology and Neuroscience, School of Arts & Sciences
  • Kimberly Cook-Chennault, Associate Professor, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, School of Engineering
  • Joseph Freeman, Professor, Biomedical Engineering, School of Engineering
  • Martha Soto, Associate Professor, Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, RBHS
  • Maribel Vazquez, Professor, Biomedical Engineering, School of Engineering

Event Description

We will discuss how graduate school life has changed from last year and some of the challenges you may be facing, including how much you feel you are in control of your time and whether you have established good lines of communication with your PI and lab colleagues.

Event Description

As you enter the second semester, it is again time for personal reflection 

What were your expectations as you entered graduate school?  Have these expectations been met? If not, why not?  

Are you satisfied with your life/work balance? If not, what are you planning on changing?  

Did you find (your perfect) a good mentor/lab match?  If so, what attracts you to that mentor/lab? If not, what are you looking for that you did not find so far?  

What are your main goals for the second semester and how do your goals fit with your program's requirements? What are your plans and approach to achieving your goals? 

We looks forward to hearing your thoughts!

Event Description

You want to stand out in your career search, right? When you tell hiring managers and recruiters about your impact and contributions, you make yourself more valuable to employers. Learn the skills for presenting strong value proposition statements and increase your chances for getting offers.  Your value will show up in your resume, LinkedIn profile, and interviews. With practice, sharing your value proposition will be become natural! Penny Pearl of 2Actify is an expert at helping career seeking clients articular their value propositions. Penny will teach you how to create your value proposition and provide tools to help you with the process of demonstrating quantifiable outcomes that you contributed toward so employers will want you on their team.

Click here to see the speakers information.


Event Description

McCann Health is one of the largest science communications companies in the area and hires many PhD level scientists to help create content for pharmaceutical and biotech companies. They also provide a range of services including strategic consulting and healthcare marketing.  Come see their facilities and hear from employees who have made the transition to medical writing and marketing which is the fastest growing field for fresh graduates and postdocs. 

Click here to see speaker information.

Event Description

RA Capital Management is a multi-stage investment manager dedicated to company formation and evidence-based investing in healthcare and life science companies developing drugs, medical devices, diagnostics, services and research tools. Come learn how as a PhD level employee you can get involved in a career in the exciting field of venture capital. The firm’s portfolio of private and public companies spans the globe and most therapeutic areas across all stages from discovery through commercialization.  RA Capital is fostering diversity in their portfolio companies and in the broader biotech community.

Click here to see speakers information.

Event Description

Come hear from women in groups historically underrepresented in the sciences to learn how they go from completing their PhD training to their current position at Rutgers: running successful biology research labs, teaching and performing university service.  They will share their stories and advice.

Amariliz Rivera, PhD – Immunologist

Maribel Vazquez, PhD – Biomedical Engineer

Nataki Douglas, MD/PhD – Physician Scientist

Renata Pasqualini, PhD – Cancer Biologist

Treena Arinzeh, PhD – Biomedical Engineer

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