M.D./Ph.D. Admission Requirements
Thank you for your interest in the Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School-Princeton University MD/PhD program. We look forward to reviewing your application!
Admissions Process
Applications to the RWJMS-Princeton MD/PhD program are made through the AMCAS primary application. You must select “Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School” as the school name and “Combined Medical Degree /Ph.D.” as the program type.
The MD/PhD program uses the same admissions requirements and secondary application as Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. Students are evaluated by the medical school and MD/PhD program independently; admission to the MD/PhD program requires an acceptance by both. Applicants are expected to have past clinical and research experiences that demonstrate their commitment to becoming a physician-scientist. Multiple letters of recommendation should be from research mentors and others who can support your career decision to become a physician-scientist.

Statistics (last 5 years)

- Applications per year: 200-250
- Average MCAT Score: 514
- Average GPA: 3.72
- Average months of full-time independent research: 29 (range 12-60) months
- Number of Interview Invites sent out: 28-35
- Acceptance Rate: ~12 students/year
- Class Size: 4-6
Application Cycle Timeline

Interview Day

Interview invites usually go out between August and January. Generally, there are four to five interview days monthly from September to January.
During the interviews, you will have the opportunity to meet with current students and the program leadership in a relaxed setting. Additionally, you will be formally interviewed by three faculty members, current MD-PhD students and alumni of the program. These faculty interviews last approximately 45 minutes each. Interviewing faculty are selected from the MD/PhD admissions committee and experienced faculty with knowledge of the applicant’s research. We will try to ensure at least one faculty interviewer is within your research field.
The 2023-2024 season will be held remotely via Zoom. Below is a sample interview schedule, but are flexible due to differences in time zones:
Day before:
6:00–7:00 pm: Virtual Happy Hour. Meet with the other applicants and current MD/PhD students at all stages of their education. This is your chance to get student perspectives on the program.
8:00-9:00 am: MMI Prep
9:00-11:00 am: MMI
1:00 - 1:45 pm: Faculty Interview #1
2:00 -2:45 pm: Faculty Interview #2
3:30 - 4:15 pm: Faculty Interview #3
4:30 - 5:00 pm: Wrap - up with MD/PhD Director
Accepted students will have the opportunity to re-visit our program and engage with potential faculty mentors at our Second Look. Our Second Look session will be in person and include visiting both the Rutgers and Princeton campuses.
Admissions FAQs
I don’t have a connection to New Jersey. Am I still eligible to apply?
Yes, residency is not considered in MD/PhD application decisions.
Are interview invites given out on a rolling basis?
Yes, applications are reviewed in the order they are received. Therefore, we encourage you to apply and submit your secondary application as early as possible.
If I am not invited to interview for the MD/PhD program, will I still be considered for the MD-only path?
Applicants who would like to be considered for the MD-only path should contact the director, Dr. Paul Copeland.
Should I reach out to Rutgers or Princeton research faculty before I apply?
No, it is not necessary or expected to reach out to faculty before acceptance into the program. We will schedule your interviews with appropriate faculty members based on your research interests.
Do I need to take the MCAT?
Yes, all students are required to take the MCAT as part of the medical school admissions process.
I’m interested in doing research in a field that is not “traditional” for an MD/PhD. Is that ok?
Yes, we encourage applicants with a wide diversity of research interests. Accepted students may choose to complete research in any PhD granting program at Rutgers – New Brunswick or Rutgers - RBHS. PhD research at Princeton is limited to faculty affiliated with the Department of Molecular Biology. Applicants interested in pursuing a PhD in non-biomedical sciences programs should contact the director, Dr. Paul Copeland, to discuss their application.
Do I need to take the GRE?
Maybe. The GRE is not required for applicants planning to pursue a PhD in biomedical sciences. Non-biomedical sciences applicants MAY be required to take the GRE and should contact the director, Dr. Paul Copeland.
Can I apply for the MD/PhD program after I have matriculated at RWJMS?
Yes, we allow students to apply after matriculation as medical students. Contact the director, Dr. Paul Copeland, for specific instructions on the submission of these items.
Is medical and graduate school tuition covered by the program? Do students receive a stipend?
Yes, medical and graduate school tuition and stipend are fully covered throughout the program. Medical school tuition is covered by the MD/PhD program. The current student stipend during medical school is $35,000 per year. PhD stipend amount depends upon the graduate program. PhD tuition is covered by the program, department, or PI.
Who should I reach out to with additional questions?
For questions about admissions requirements please contact the director of the MD/PhD program, Dr. Paul Copeland.