Frequently Asked Questions

A: Explore the American Association of Physicists in Medicine website to learn more about medical physics.

Learn More on the American Association of Physicists in Medicine Website

A: Here is a great resource and description of the medical physicist profession.

Visit the American Association of Physicists in Medicine Website

A: You can rely on the Commission on Accreditation of Medical Physics Education Programs (CAMPEP) as a valuable resource to find a CAMPEP-accredited residency.

See the CAMPEP List of Medical Physics Residencies

A: You can learn more about residencies and other research opportunities at The Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey.

Explore Residencies at The Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey 

Our program is taught remotely in a synchronous fashion over Zoom for a majority of the coursework. There will be two required in-person practicums, one per fall semester for the Imaging course and another one in the spring semester for the Radiation Therapy physics course.

A: Unfortunately at this time, we do not have any funds available for scholarships or grants. Please visit the Financial Aid Office for more information.