Frequently Asked Questions
A: Explore the American Association of Physicists in Medicine website to learn more about medical physics. |
Learn More on the American Association of Physicists in Medicine Website |
A: Here is a great resource and description of the medical physicist profession. |
Visit the American Association of Physicists in Medicine Website |
A: You can rely on the Commission on Accreditation of Medical Physics Education Programs (CAMPEP) as a valuable resource to find a CAMPEP-accredited residency. |
A: You can learn more about residencies and other research opportunities at The Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey. |
Explore Residencies at The Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey |
Our program is taught remotely in a synchronous fashion over Zoom for a majority of the coursework. There will be two required in-person practicums, one per fall semester for the Imaging course and another one in the spring semester for the Radiation Therapy physics course.
A: Unfortunately at this time, we do not have any funds available for scholarships or grants. Please visit the Financial Aid Office for more information.