Congratulations to all the students who presented at the Annual IMSD Symposium held on May 20, 2022
IMSD News - Research and Scholarship
Congratulations to Taylor Andrews
Congratulations to Taylor Andrews on her first author publication. The paper entitled: "Complete Genome Sequences of Five Phietaviruses Infecting Staphylococcus aureus" was published in the online journal Genome Sequences on September 29, 2022.
Congratulations to Leela Biswas
Congratulations to Leela Biswas on receiving a F30 NIH award for her project entitled: "Functional evaluation of kinesis gene variants associated with female subfertility and egg aneuploidy". August 31, 2022
Congratulations to Gregory Marshall
Congratulations to Gregory Marshall for receiving a NJCCR award for his project entitled: "Hepatitis B Virus integrations in KMT2B Drive Hepatocellular Carcinoma". June 1, 2022
Congratulations to Stephania Guzman
Congratulations to Stephania Guzman on the publication of her first-author paper entitled: "Targeting hepatic kisspeptin receptor ameliorates non-alcholoic fatty liver disease in a mouse model". The paper was accepted to JCI and is now on-line.
March 29, 2022
Congratulations to Sergio Crespo
Congratulations to Sergio Crespo on receiving an Honorable Mention in the 2022 National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) competition
March 29, 2022.
Congratulations to Irving Estevez
Congratulations to Irving Estevez and his Advisor Brian Daniels on receiving an NIH Supplement to the project entitled: "Investigating astrocytic RIPK3 as a driver of protective neuroinflammation during viral encephalitis."
December 19, 2021
Congratulations to Stephania Guzman
Congratulations to Stephania Guzman on receiving an NIH F31 award for the project entitled: "Hepatic kisspeptin receptor signaling in nonalcoholic fatty liver".
December 17, 2021
Congratulations to Branden Sanabria
Congratulations to Branden Sanabria on receiving an NIH F31 award for the project entitled: "The Role of Corticostriatal Microcircuitry in Sensorimotor Integration".
July 20, 2021
Congratulations to Alvin Crespo
Congratulations to Alvin Crespo on his first-author publication "Interspecies recombination has driven the macroevolution of cassava mosaic begomoviruses." The paper was accepted for publication in the Journal of Virology and was posted online on June 9, 2021.
June 9, 2021
News Archive
Laina defended her thesis: "Swimming in Troubled Waters: Ambient Levels of Common Pollutants Have Little Effect on the Regional Distribution and Swimming Behavior of Two New Jersey Anurans".
May 13, 2022
March 23, 2022
Congratulations to Rukia Henry on receiving the New Jersey Commission on Cancer research award. Rukia's project is entitled: "Elucidating the Role of LYN Src Kinase in DNA repair".
MAY 27, 2021

Congratulations to Stephania Guzman who was selected as a Scholar for the 2021 Scientist Mentoring & Diversity Program for Biotechnology
May 17, 2021
Student Spotlight: Edgar Ferrer-Gonzalez, Ph.D.
Congratulations to Edgar Ferrer-Gonzales on graduating with his Ph.D. in Pharmacology and his new job with Reckitt.
His third, first author paper, Impact of FtsZ Inhibition on the Localization of the Penicillin Binding Proteins in Methicillin-Resistant;Staphylococcus aureus was just accepted in the Journal of Bacteriology.
IMSD @ Rutgers-New Brunswick Invites Biomedical Sciences PhD Candidates to a Virtual Open House
Wednesday, November 17th, 4:00 - 5:30 pm EST
Register in Advance for this meeting. After registering, you'll receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

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